Come as a guest, leave as a friend

Bremen-Nord Greeter


 The north of Bremen is much more than a district. It is a “partial city” with a very special history, structure, architecture and economic development. And with people who still “go to Bremen” when they want to go to the city. We, the Greeters, make it possible for you to get a taste of this very special atmosphere. We will show you the surroundings as authentically as they are individually – away from official tourist programs – from the perspective of a local.

Like many other Greeter destinations we are a non-profit project within the International Greeter Association.

Who are the Greeters?

We bring curious Bremen-Nord guests together with committed Nordbremeners. “They come as guests and leave as friends” has been the motto of the Greeters, who volunteer worldwide, for almost 30 years.

We are not trained city guides and want to differentiate ourselves. Because our point of view should be in the foreground during the greets and not the list of historical data and facts.

We show the guests our district, bring them closer to the people and their environment and this without payment and without a tip – just as a friend would do it as a matter of course.

Our Core Values

All Greeters in the Global Greeter Network share the same Core Values:

  • Greeters are volunteers, a friendly face for those visiting a city/destination. Greeters welcome individuals and may serve small groups of up to six people.
  • Meeting a Greeter is free of charge.
  • Visitors are welcomed without any kind of discrimination.
  • Greeter programs support sustainable tourism. Programs respects natural and man-made environments, it brings both cultural and economical enrichment to the local communities.
  • Programs aim for a lasting positive image of each destination.
  • Greeter programs create a mutually enriching opportunity for cultural exchange, create links between ordinary people in creating a better world.
    Walflosse an der Weser

    Besök Greeters in Dütschland  un in de Welt

    Greeter in Deutschland

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    Was Gäste über ihre Treffen mit Greetern schreiben


    Bremen-Nord und umzu neu kennen zu lernen war großartig. Familie P. aus HH bedankt sich ganz, ganz herzlich bei Lutz für den tollen Rundgang an die und durch Lesum und durch Knoops Park zum Haus Schotteck.



    Thank you very much for the nice pictures. We arrived very well at home and won’t forget our visit / Greet with you.

    Elias and Geerd from Antwerp

    Seit 10 Jahren sind die Bremen-Greeter nicht nur in der “Bremer Schweiz” unterwegs.
